Tuesday, 4 June 2013

L5/S1 Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF)

Two weeks before surgery on the 23rd January 2013.

I'm finally going in on the 23rd January provided my surgeon is happy with my too high, too erratic blood pressure.

My surgeon has scheduled three hours for the operation (a 'normal' fusion is allocated 2.5) and tells me the average stay is one night (yes, really!) but to allow for up to five. It's scheduled to be done by 'keyhole' methods. Barring complications, I will have several incisions about the size of the end of my little finger in my back and, maybe, my sides. I am getting extra fusion either side of the affected joint as well as the usual one up through the old disc space. I also have to have the two ends of my spine re-aligned before the work for the fusion. I think he will also have to go fishing for broken off bits of bone. He tells me I should be able to walk twenty minutes three times a day by the time I have my six week follow-up appointment. From what I've read, complete fusion can take up to two years to complete all being well.

My blood pressure is within the surgical guidelines now but too high and very erratic so the Doctor put me on calcium channel blockers on Friday. My hospital letter says start any medication four weeks before surgery. They didn't even give me four weeks notice of the surgery! I have to call my doctor tomorrow to make sure that they've faxed the readings to the hospital.

I've been imagining all sorts of symptoms since they've been focussing on my BP so much, My lovely surgeon has told me everything I'd ever want to know about the actual surgery. It's been information on what to expect post operatively that's been lacking. My GP advised calling Social Services. They reassured me that help is available if needed. Apparently the post-op assessment by the physio establishes whether I need any and they then call the Social direct. Now if anyone had bothered to tell me that sometime over the last n months, I might have been spared being in an anxiety state for the best part of a year.

My local Lloyds Pharmacy has me signed up for a new service whereby they call folk on certain kinds of medication (e.g. for BP. diabetes, etc) at 2 and 4 weeks after starting them to establish if one has any issues and to make sure I have the information needed to get them addressed. They have also signed me up for home delivery of drugs if I need it. All in all I got a lot of help on Friday. I just need to find a way of decompressing now. One pal is sending me a brief positive vibes message each day, bless her. I am trying to BREATHE lol

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